If you would like to become a member of Southern Highlands Croquet Club
please download and complete an Application Form and email to the Club
by clicking here
Please read the Playing Policies before applying for Membership
Why Join?
Croquet is a fantastic way to get some mild exercise throughout the year. The game provides an excellent opportunity to meet new people, is enjoyed by individuals of all ages, and our club fosters a lively social environment.
Try Before You Join
There's no need to sign up immediately. Come and watch a game or ring / email to arrange a time for an introductory session. We have 3 coaches to help you get going.
We welcome new members to join our friendly club and discover the fun and challenges of croquet.
Membership Fees
The current annual fee for Full (Ordinary) Membership is $502, which includes the $58 affiliation fee to Croquet NSW.
Fees can be paid in quarterly instalments by arrangement.
Casual Membership is also offered. ($100 + $58 CNSW) payable in full on joining and thereafter, in July. Casual Members pay $10 for every session they attend. Casual Members are not entitled to vote at Annual or General Meetings.
Fees are payable once membership is approved
Download an SHCC Application Form for Membership​
Croquet Mallets
Croquet mallets can be borrowed from the club free of charge for three months after joining. Guidance on mallet selection can be given but new players are advised not to purchase their own mallet until they have become accustomed to the game.
The Game of Croquet
Croquet is sometimes described as a mix of chess and snooker – chess for its tactics and snooker for its ball-on-ball angles. This interesting complexity makes the game highly engaging.
There are two forms of croquet played at Southern Highlands Croquet Club:
Golf Croquet: Simple rules, with most people starting here. A game takes between 30 – 60 minutes.
Association Croquet: More complex rules, with a full game typically taking up to about two and a half hours.
Membership Enquiries
For any questions or further details on membership, contact us via the Contact form or email us. Click the link below for an application form.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Southern Highlands Croquet Club and hope you enjoy your membership.